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For each new subject email, it serves no harm to write some greetings! However, if you are responding to emails over the same topic (for example, a meeting day and time), greetings can then be excluded. 对于每封新主题的电子邮件,写一些问候是没有害处的! 但是,如果您正在回复有关同一主题的电子邮件(例如,会议日期和时间),则可以排除问候语。
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The Do’s and Don’ts of Emails



The Do’s and Don’ts of emails

Before hitting the “send” button, there are a few things to consider:

Is my email too long?

Try to keep the email to about one page so that readers can read the entire mail without scrolling. Do spell out purpose of the email within the first paragraph.
尽量将电子邮件保持在一页左右,以便读者无需滚动即可阅读整封邮件。 请在第一段中说明电子邮件的目的。

Did I include the right attachment?

Title the document that you are attaching in a way that is easy for the recipient to find once he or she downloads it. Before sending an attachment of large file size, be sure you know your recipient’s mailbox capacity to avoid returned emails.
为您附加的文档命名,以便收件人在下载后易于找到。 在发送大文件附件之前,请确保您知道收件人的邮箱容量,以避免被退回的电子邮件。

Am I saying it right?

For each new subject email, it serves no harm to write some greetings! However, if you are responding to emails over the same topic (for example, a meeting day and time), greetings can then be excluded.
对于每封新主题的电子邮件,写一些问候是没有害处的! 但是,如果您正在回复有关同一主题的电子邮件(例如,会议日期和时间),则可以排除问候语。

In your subject line, write an appropriate and specific subject that lets the recipient know what to expect.

Would it be better if I don’t send the email?

Some issues, if dealt with through emails, may result in serious consequences should misinterpretation occurs. Among some of these issues are:
有些问题,如果通过电子邮件处理,如果发生误解,可能会导致严重后果。 其中一些问题包括:

  • Disciplinary action 纪律处分
  • Conflicts about personal information 个人信息冲突
  • Concerns about fellow colleagues 关心同事
  • Complaints 投诉

When a conflict arises, try to end it with a short and simple written response first. If it does not work, it may be better to deal with the unpleasant situation by talking or meeting in person.
发生冲突时,请先尝试以简短的书面答复结束冲突。 如果它不起作用,最好通过面对面交谈或会面来处理不愉快的情况。


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1 条评论
  • 奶昔

    很实用的英文邮件写作知识,学习了,感谢博主的分享,by the way,这个网站做的很有特色,给人一种岁月静好的感觉。


