『英文商务写作』英文备忘录 Memo
What is a Memo
A memo can be used as a form of communication to solve problems within a company. In writing a memo, one should clearly state his/her purpose at the beginning, and request the action he/she wants at the end.
备忘录可以用作解决公司内部问题的一种沟通形式。 在写备忘录时,应在开始时明确说明他/她的目的,并在最后要求他/她想要采取的行动。
Planning for a memo
Depending on the purpose of your memo, there are several ways to prepare it:
1. To convey routine information or relaying news, shall consider approaching your memo through a direct plan. It starts out by stating the most important points and moves to support details.
为了传达日常信息或转播新闻,应考虑通过直接计划来处理您的备忘录。 它首先陈述最重要的观点并采取行动支持细节。
2. When you need to arouse interest in your readers, the indirect plan may be used. It makes an appeal or spews out evidence first and arrives at a conclusion/action to be taken based on these facts.
当你需要引起读者的兴趣时,可能会使用间接计划。 它首先提出上诉或吐出证据,然后根据这些事实得出结论/采取行动。
3. When relaying bad news, a combination approach can be used for the balanced plan, as it combines information and persuasion.
Parts of a Memo
Heading – Generally, it follows this format:
主题 – 通常,它遵循以下格式:
TO: (readers’ names and job titles)
FROM: (your name and job title)
DATE: (complete and current date)
SUBJECT: (what the memo concerns)
Opening – the opening paragraph mainly consists of 3 parts: the context of your problem, specific task(s) required, or that you are undertaking in order to fix the problem, and the purpose of the memo. Be assertive that a real problem exists, but include only key information that decision-makers need.
开篇 – 开篇主要由 3 部分组成:您的问题的背景、所需的具体任务或您为解决问题而正在执行的任务,以及备忘录的目的。 确定存在真正的问题,但只包括决策者需要的关键信息。
Summary – a brief statement of your key recommendations. To make a strong statement, state references used to come to your ideas. But remember to keep it short and simple.
摘要 – 简要说明您的主要建议。 为了做出强有力的陈述,陈述参考曾经来你的想法。 但请记住保持简短和简单。
Discussion – Details that support your ideas can be spelt out in this part. Start with the most important information to get readers’ attention to the matter. Vital details can be presented in the format of bullet points or tables.
讨论 – 可以在这部分详细说明支持您的想法的细节。 从最重要的信息开始,以引起读者对此事的关注。 重要细节可以以项目符号或表格的形式呈现。
Closing – In a courteous manner, state what action you may want your reader to make. The desired action can be beneficial to your readers, so state any that the action may bring.
结束语 – 以礼貌的方式,说明您可能希望您的读者采取什么行动。 所需的操作可能对您的读者有益,因此请说明该操作可能带来的任何内容。
Attachments (if any) – If you have prepared graphs, tables and other documents to support your findings, attach them at the end of the memo. Throughout your memo, you may need to make references to your attachments by adding notations.
附件(若有)– 如果你准备了图表、表格和其他文件来支持你的观点/问题,请将它们附在备忘录的末尾。 在整个备忘录中,您可能需要通过添加符号来引用您的附件。