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Memory of South Sudan · First Impression
Two years ago. I am getting sick and tired of the monotonous life which getting on my nerves and feel a little blue. It is not the way I hoped it would be, just because. I resigned from the former company and left the city which was i had lived eight years proceed without hesitation, and then, arranged to work in the worlds’s youngest nation, South Sudan, as a business manager, is mainly responsible for business matters in a new company.
Afica, South Sudan, Sudan, Juba, Traveling, Writing
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The pass is black and white; the future is always color

Memory of South Sudan · First Impression

Memory of South Sudan · First Impression

To me, the pass is black and white; the future is always color ……

Two years ago. I am getting sick and tired of the monotonous life which getting on my nerves and feel a little blue. It is not the way I hoped it would be, just because. I resigned from the former company and left the city which was i had lived eight years proceed without hesitation, and then, arranged to work in the worlds’s youngest nation, South Sudan, as a business manager, is mainly responsible for business matters in a new company.

Just to Juba, the capital of South Sudan, during the aircraft loading, the shine through the window of the aircraft to me, i give the eyes to the source, the roof of the house covered by the iron sheet except the thatching named TUKU by the locals. The city is split into the block and wild enough because of without water and electric network, the water and fuel oil tanks go across the street like the shopper, the lights and electrical facilities feed from the generator. The sunrise and sundown commanded the day and night.

Due to the differences in culture and language, have also appeared temporary unforgettable sensations like a fish out of water. After the continuous learning to improve and adjust, the above mentioned status fade away. For me, the high pressure work shall be functional aspect in the passion and impetus.

Cause of the technical aspects of mine before, the transformation of the work obviously become into the fundamental issue has to be solved. And the immense time shall be focused on the learning such as contract. Mails, correspondence, quotations, negotiations, Schedule and Payment. Etc.

The Nile River is the mother river of Africa. It is just so beautiful and beyond all of your imagination. Quantities of mango trees standing by the two sides of the river, and the mango hang on the tree like the bomb. The locals children swimming in the river without any of clothes under the sunshine. In fact, even if they take off all of the covers, you still can’t find anything unless they keep the smile. Do not be serious, just a joke.

The river transportation in South Sudan means a little more than zero, the steamship just a name, instead of the steamship is the boat or ship called by the locals which was welded by the angle iron and covered by the iron sheet, it seems to be a kidding, but nothing is impossible in Africa. The cargo loading to the boat only can be via the labor. Crane support by Japan was the symbol.

The commodity of two containers moves to the boat cost two days by the labors, the price depends on the quantity of the commodity. The channel to the boat made of and joined by the wood board, which was like the wave when the labors walking on them.

The gunfire can hit your ears every night, to the unacquainted people it seems like the Chinese Spring Festival. The soldiers with the AK-47 walking on the street like the white collar take the briefcase or handbag.

To be continued ……


从知道到懂得,需要越过千山万水 ……

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  • Miss.Puff



